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Since 2016, I’ve been on a journey of self-discovery. I didn’t realize how unhappy I was in most aspects of my life and didn’t have the tools or resources to help move me into the direction where I wanted to be. I met someone for kinesiology. I remember her first words were “I do things a little differently” and thinking I don’t mind providing I have a positive result. Now I know I will probably lose some people on this but for the first time I had experienced energy work. This experience changed the lens on how I viewed the world and help to create a new lens of possibility.  Fast forward 5 months, I resigned from my job of 10yrs and enrolled in a diploma of Remedial Massage. I had been interested in Remedial Massage since my Mum started practising and sharing her knowledge with me. Combined with the benefits I saw from regular massages whilst playing a lot of sport. This ultimately helped shape my decision to explore new possibilities.


I’ve been working as a Remedial Massage therapist for just over 3 years now. I’ve always looked at Remedial massage as a “Step 1” in moving towards my goal. I love helping people with their pain or helping them prep and recover from their chosen sports. I absolutely love learning about how our bodies work and sharing that information with people to help them in their journey. But it’s not enough….


My goal is to help people that feel stuck or unhappy in an aspect of their life (like where I was in the past) so that you can move forward with your life. I want to be very clear that I’m not offering or selling “a silver bullet” they don’t exist!!! But sharing my experience, giving tools and techniques that I’ve learned along my journey to hopefully inspire you to make better decisions so you can work on being the best version of yourself. And yes, YOU are going to have to do the work but I’m telling you it’s totally worth it.




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